lean body

美 [liːn ˈbɑːdi]英 [liːn ˈbɒdi]
  • 精瘦的身体
lean bodylean body
  1. The percentage of total body water with lean body weight was 68.6 % .


  2. The clinical application of creatinine clearance predicted from lean body weight


  3. Skinfold thickness , fat mass index and lean body mass .


  4. Correlation of bioelectrical impedance with body fat or lean body weight of children


  5. Lean body mass ( LBM ) , boys > girls .


  6. The study found that those who ate a higher percentage of protein gained more lean body mass .


  7. The grin was still there , even the long , lean body with the good muscles .


  8. The effect was probably due to runners'greater lean body mass and healthier habits in general , he said .


  9. His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat .


  10. Aerobic exercise can greatly reduce the in vivo fat contents of female students and increase their lean body mass .


  11. The study results demonstrated that nutritional support and growth hormone can maintain lean body mass and muscle function in postoperative patients .


  12. Body composition analysis revealed that the patients receiving GH maintained their lean body mass despite the major surgical procedure .


  13. Effect of Antiobesity Acupuncture on Body Fat Content , Bone Mineral Content and Lean Body Mass of Simple Obese Women


  14. The athletes in super-heavyweight had significant increased in body lipid but no significant increased in lean body weight .


  15. Association of serum testosterone with lean body mass , body fat content , and bone mineral density in postmenopausal females


  16. With his lean body and perfect physique , who could do a better job of imitating Bruce Lee ?


  17. Objective To evaluate the relationship of lean body mass and fat mass with the risk of hip fracture in patients with diabetes mellitus .


  18. For example , fasting and extreme caloric restriction diets can markedly decrease lean body weight and body hydration .


  19. Indicators related to obesity , body fat content , bone mineral content and lean body mass were measured and statistically analyzed before and after treatment .


  20. Tongrentang " in lean body " entered into stock market The reasons for Latin American Countries ' Massive Raising Loan After 1970s


  21. The study found that those who ate a higher percentage of protein gained more lean body mass . The opposite happened on a low protein diet .


  22. One reason men can drop weight just by ignoring the Buffalo wings for a few weeks is because they have more lean body mass .


  23. The results showed that the decreasing body fat was central to the wrestler 's body weight reduction with lean body weight 's changing unapparent ;


  24. The Relation of Serum Vitamin D , Estradiol , and Lean Body Mass to the Bone Development in Early Pubertal and Pre-Pubertal Girls


  25. Conclusions The central obesity resulted from accumulated fat in abdomen and lacking lean body composition in lower limbs was important factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus .


  26. After the experiment , the muscle and lean body weight had growth trends in experiment , no significant difference ( P0.05 ); the control group had decline trend . ( 4 ) .


  27. Conclusion Body composition analysis in cancer cachexia demonstrates not only a significant loss of fat mass , but also loss of a great amount of lean body mass and body cell mass .


  28. Results : Significant geographic and urban - rural differences were found not only in the skinfold thickness , but also on the percentages of body fat and lean body mass .


  29. Loss of muscle mass is the main reason metabolism slows down in the first place , since resting metabolic rate is directly related to lean body mass that 's mostly muscle .


  30. Saint Peter let himself be moved by pity and opened heaven 's gate just wide enough for the lame tailor to slip his lean body inside .
